an Evening at Harlaxton Manor 2023

Dec 20, 2023

WOW! What an event…. 😁 (Sorry long post, but worth it for the end…)

On Tuesday I was honoured to MC alongside Simon Gabbitas for the 3rd Annual event that is now hallmarked ‘An Evening at Harlaxton Manor

This is our annual collaboration event with Grantham Business Club and Newark Business Club and we come together as one. πŸ˜€

Were do I start?

Let start with some THANK YOU’s? πŸ™

Firstly to our Sponsors…..
Inara Systems and John Youens (also for your help on the night, got to love tech issues)
Clever Mortgages and James Carpenter
This event would not be possible without the support of our business sponsors.

Thank you to all club committee members that helped with multiple aspects of the evening (these things take some doing!!!) for both the Grantham and Newark clubs. A special mention to Sarah Woulds for your support and also to Flick Hamnett-Day for doing the table collections. But grateful to ALL.

Next up….
Thanks to Nicola Auckland for some fantastic photos (as displayed) and Matthew Taylor for your video work on the evening.

And theres more….
Our keynote speaker Jem Hills for your FANTASTIC presentation, even with some technical issues 😣 😡

I would also like to thank GBC Vice-Chair Paul Green for a cracking introduction (and of course your support with organizing the event)

Phew… we are getting there, hope your still reading! πŸ˜‚

Ok, to finish up, on the evening we asked people to dig deep in support of Jem’s charity Special Boat Service Association. And boy did you guys deliver…

You heard it here first….. Drumroll please…. πŸ₯ πŸ₯ πŸ₯

I can confirm that we have raised a massive Β£750 in donations for the charity. THANK YOU all for your support and participation.

Thats me done…. Looking forward to next year!!
